Module Hacl_star.EverCrypt

type bytes = SharedDefs.CBytes.t

bytes is ultimately an alias for Stdlib.Bytes.t, the type of buffers currently used throughout the library

module Error : sig ... end

Return type used for AEAD functions


Algorithms for AEAD (authenticated encryption with additional data)

Agile interface

module AEAD : sig ... end

Agile, multiplexing AEAD interface exposing AES128-GCM, AES256-GCM, and Chacha20-Poly1305


module Chacha20_Poly1305 : SharedDefs.Chacha20_Poly1305

Multiplexing interface for Chacha20-Poly1305


Algorithms for digital signatures and key agreement


module Curve25519 : SharedDefs.Curve25519

Multiplexing interface for ECDH using Curve25519


module Ed25519 : SharedDefs.EdDSA

This interface does not yet support multiplexing and is identical to the one in Hacl.Ed25519


Agile interface

module Hash : sig ... end

Agile, multiplexing hashing interface, exposing 4 variants of SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512), BLAKE2, and 2 legacy algorithms (SHA-1, MD5). It offers both direct hashing and a streaming interface.


Multiplexing interfaces for SHA-224 and SHA-256 which use Intel SHA extensions when available.

module SHA2_224 : SharedDefs.HashFunction

Direct hashing with SHA-224

module SHA2_256 : SharedDefs.HashFunction

Direct hashing with SHA-256


Message authentication codes


Portable HMAC implementations. They can use optimised assembly implementations for the underlying hash function, if such an implementation exists and Intel SHA extensions are available (see SHA-2).

module HMAC : sig ... end

Agile, multiplexing interface for HMAC

module HMAC_SHA2_256 : SharedDefs.MAC

Multiplexing interface for HMAC-SHA-256

module HMAC_SHA2_384 : SharedDefs.MAC

Multiplexing interface for HMAC-SHA-384

module HMAC_SHA2_512 : SharedDefs.MAC

Multiplexing interface for HMAC-SHA-512


module Poly1305 : SharedDefs.MAC

Multiplexing interface for Poly1305

Key derivation


HMAC-based key derivation function

Portable HKDF implementations. They can use optimised assembly implementations for the underlying hash function, if such an implementation exists and Intel SHA extensions are available (see SHA-2).

module HKDF : sig ... end

Agile, multiplexing interface for HKDF

module HKDF_SHA2_256 : SharedDefs.HKDF

Multiplexing interface for HKDF using SHA2-256

module HKDF_SHA2_384 : SharedDefs.HKDF

Multiplexing interface for HKDF using SHA2-384

module HKDF_SHA2_512 : SharedDefs.HKDF

Multiplexing interface for HKDF using SHA2-512


Deterministic random bit generator


module DRBG : sig ... end

Agile, multiplexing interface for HMAC-DRBG