Hashing: SHA-2, SHA-3


HACL* implements the SHA-2 suite of hash functions as described in the NIST publication FIPS PUB 180-4: Secure Hash Standard. The API for these hash functions is in the file Hacl_Hash.h.

The types for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 are as follows:

void Hacl_Hash_SHA2_hash_256(uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint8_t *dst);

void Hacl_Hash_SHA2_hash_384(uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint8_t *dst);

void Hacl_Hash_SHA2_hash_512(uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint8_t *dst);

Each function takes a pointer as its first argument a pointer input to an array of bytes of length input_len (the second argument). The last argument is a pointer dst to an array of bytes where the result will be written. All pointers (input, dst) must be live (non-null, non-freed). For SHA-256, dst must point to an array allocated with (at least) 32 bytes, for SHA-384, it must have 48 bytes, and for SHA-512 it must have 64 bytes. The input array is limited to 2^32 bytes.


HACL* also implements the SHA-3 suite of hash algorithms described in the NIST publication FIPS PUB 202: SHA-3 Standard. The API for these hash functions is in the file Hacl_SHA3.h.

void Hacl_SHA3_sha3_256(uint32_t inputByteLen, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output);

void Hacl_SHA3_sha3_384(uint32_t inputByteLen, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output);

void Hacl_SHA3_sha3_512(uint32_t inputByteLen, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output);

The API is a little different than SHA-2 in that the first argument is now the length of the input inputByteLen and the second argument is a pointer to the input array. The last argument is the ouput of the hash function. The size of output matches that of SHA-2 (32/48/64 bytes.)


In addition to the above functions, Hacl_SHA3.h also provides the general keccak function and the two SHAKE constructions that can produce arbitrary size digests and hence also take an outputByteLen as argument. These functions expect the output array to have at least outputByteLen bytes

  uint32_t inputByteLen,
  uint8_t *input,
  uint32_t outputByteLen,
  uint8_t *output

  uint32_t inputByteLen,
  uint8_t *input,
  uint32_t outputByteLen,
  uint8_t *output

Other Hash Functions: Blake-2, MD5, SHA-1

A development branch of HACL* contains verified implementations of Blake2s and Blake2b. Contact the HACL* maintainers if you wish to use these implementations.

HACL* also includes implementations of MD5 and SHA1 for backwards compatibility, but we strongly recommend against using these algorithms.