AEAD: Chacha20-Poly1305

HACL* implements the Chacha20-Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) construction specified in IETF RFC 8439. The library includes three implementations of this construction, all with the same API, but meant for use on different platforms:

  • Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_32.h contains a portable C implementation that can be compiled and run on any 32-bit platform
  • Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_128.h contains a 128-bit vectorized C implementation that can be compiled and run on any platform that supports the Intel AVX instruction set. On a development branch, we also support the ARM Neon instruction set.
  • Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_256.h contains a 256-bit vectorized C implementation that can be compiled and run on any platform that supports the Intel AVX2 instruction set.

All three versions provide a similar API for AEAD encryption and decryption:

AEAD Encryption

  uint8_t *k,
  uint8_t *n,
  uint32_t aadlen,
  uint8_t *aad,
  uint32_t mlen,
  uint8_t *m,
  uint8_t *cipher,
  uint8_t *mac

The first argument k is a pointer to the AEAD key (an array of 32 bytes); n1 is a pointer to the AEAD nonce (12 bytes); aadLen is the length of the associated data array aad; mlen is the length of the input array m; the output ciphertext also has mlen bytes and is stored in cipher; the output tag has 16 bytes and is stored in mac.

The types of the encryption functions for the other two versions are identical, except that they are called Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_128_aead_encrypt and Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_256_aead_encrypt.

AEAD Decryption

The AEAD decryption function has the following type:

  uint8_t *k,
  uint8_t *n,
  uint32_t aadlen,
  uint8_t *aad,
  uint32_t mlen,
  uint8_t *m,
  uint8_t *cipher,
  uint8_t *mac

The arguments k, n1, aadlen, and aad are the same as in encryption. The next argument mlen is the length of the input ciphertext cipher; and mac holds the input tag. If decryption succeeds, the resulting plaintext is stored in m and the function returns the success code 0. If decryption fails, the array m remains unchanged and the function returns the error code 1.

The types of the decryption functions for the other two versions are identical, except that they are called Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_128_aead_decrypt and Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_256_aead_decrypt.

Chacha20 and Poly1305

The implementation of each version of Chacha20Poly1305 relies internally on corresponding implementations of the Chacha20 cipher and Poly1305 MAC. The APIs for these constructions can be found in their own header files (e.g. Hacl_Chacha20_Vec256.h). Developers can directly use these APIs to build other constructions based on Chacha20 or Poly1305, but we do not recommend their use outside the AEAD API.