AEAD (EverCrypt_AEAD.h)

This API is:

  • agile
  • multiplexing: portable C (Chacha-Poly only); AVX (Chacha-Poly); AVX2 (Chacha-Poly); AESNI + CLMUL (AES128-GCM, AES256-GCM)
  • stateful

Possible values for the agility argument (Hacl_Spec.h) :

#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES128_GCM 0
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES256_GCM 1
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 2
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES128_CCM 3
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES256_CCM 4
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES128_CCM8 5
#define Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES256_CCM8 6

Supported values for the agility argument: Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES128_GCM, Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES256_GCM, Spec_Agile_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305

State management

Clients are first expected to allocate persistent state, which performs key expansion and precomputes internal data for AES-GCM. EverCrypt.AEAD supports IV reduction, meaning that IV lengths must satisfy the iv_length predicate in Spec.Agile.AEAD.fsti.

EverCrypt_AEAD_create_in(Spec_Agile_AEAD_alg a, EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s **dst, uint8_t *k);

The type EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s is a C abstract type which cannot be allocated by clients, as is it an incomplete struct type. Therefore, the expected usage for initialization is:

EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s *dst;
EverCrypt_Error_error ret =
  EverCrypt_AEAD_create_in(Spec_Agile_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305, &dst, key);

Possible error codes can be determined by looking at the original F* signature for create_in; at the time of writing, the function may return Success, or UnsupportedAlgorithm. All other cases are eliminated via the _ -> False in the post-condition.

UnsupportedAlgorithm may be returned because of an unsupported algorithm (e.g. AES-CCM) , or because no implementation is available for the target platform (e.g. AES-GCM without ADX+BMI2).

State must be freed via the free function:

void EverCrypt_AEAD_free(EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s *s);

Encryption and decryption

Both encryption and decryption take a piece of state which holds the key; a piece of state may be reused as many times as desired.

Encryption has a substantial amount of preconditions; see encrypt_pre in EverCrypt.AEAD.fsti, and Reading F* preconditions for a primer on deciphering F* code.

At the time of writing, encrypt may return either Success or InvalidKey. The latter is returned if and only if the s parameter is NULL.

  EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s *s,
  uint8_t *iv,
  uint32_t iv_len,
  uint8_t *ad,
  uint32_t ad_len,
  uint8_t *plain,
  uint32_t plain_len,
  uint8_t *cipher,
  uint8_t *tag


There is no length parameter for the tag; looking at the source EverCrypt.AEAD.fsti, one can see a precondition of the form B.length tag = tag_length a, i.e. the length of the tag array must be of a suitable length for the algorithm a. See Spec.Agile.AEAD.fsti for the definition of tag_length. Unverified clients are strongly encouraged to perform a run-time check!

  EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s *s,
  uint8_t *iv,
  uint32_t iv_len,
  uint8_t *ad,
  uint32_t ad_len,
  uint8_t *cipher,
  uint32_t cipher_len,
  uint8_t *tag,
  uint8_t *dst